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Mushtaq Bilal, PhDMushtaq Bilal, PhDResearcher @ Syddansk Universitet
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Top papers of 2023

Efficient genetic editing of human intestinal organoids using ribonucleoprotein-based CRISPR
31 Mar 2023 - bioRxiv
In this paper , an efficient method of intestinal organoid editing using a Ribonucleoprotein CRISPR-based approach was described, achieving editing efficiencies of up to 98% in target genes with no off-target editing.
Diagnostic accuracy of plain magnetic resonance imaging of cruciate ligaments and meniscal injuries keeping arthroscopy as gold standard
31 Mar 2023 - Khyber Medical University Journal
In this article , the authors compared MRI and arthroscopy for diagnosing cruciate ligaments and meniscal injuries and found that MRI has high sensitivity and NPV for ACLI and low specificity for meniscal and ligament injuries.
Including sexual orientation and gender identity data to advance nephrology care
31 Mar 2023 - Nature Reviews Nephrology
The inclusion of SGM populations in health research and the collection of sexual orientation and gender identity data in research and routine clinical practice is therefore essential to understand the unique needs of these populations and addressing inequities in health outcomes as discussed by the authors .
RNA Sequencing in Hypoxia-Adapted T98G Glioblastoma Cells Provides Supportive Evidence for IRE1 as a Potential Therapeutic Target
31 Mar 2023 - Genes
In this paper , the authors used human T98G GBM cells as a model to identify differential gene expression induced by hypoxia and to search for potential therapeutic targets of Hypoxia-adapted, treatment resistant GBM stem-like cells are thought to drive this high recurrence rate.
Mobile Banking Application (App) Adoption Behaviour Amongst Malaysian Consumers
31 Mar 2023 - Wseas Transactions On Business And Economics
In this paper , the authors employed a quantitative correlation research methodology and sought to establish the existence of correlations between each independent variable and the dependent variable, and concluded that service quality, technology, online advertising, corporate image, and convenience impact consumer preference for mobile banking apps.
Similarities in the Correlation between Physical and Mental Disorders Explained in Buddhism and Oriental Medicine: With a Focus on “Heart”
31 Mar 2023 - Bulgyo hagbo
In this article , the authors proposed a method to solve the problem of the lack of resources in the South Korean market by using the concept of "social media" as a "social network".
Persiapan Pernikahan dengan Pendekatan Psikologis di Kelurahan 8 Ulu Kabupaten Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan
31 Mar 2023 - Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Indonesia
In this paper , Kesiapan psikologis dapat diartikan sebagai suatu kemauan/keinginan tertentu ying tergantung pada tingkat kematangan, pengalaman, and emosi.
Реформування системи підготовки кадрів як складова екосистеми управління людськими ресурсами державної служби
31 Mar 2023 - Aspekti Publìčnogo Upravlìnnâ
In this article , the authors proposed a method to improve the quality of the data collected by the data collection system by using the information of the user's interaction with the service provider.
Application of AHP and Geospatial Techniques to Delineate Groundwater Potential Zones of Dubrajpur Block, Birbhum District, West Bengal, India
31 Mar 2023 - International Journal For Science Technology And Engineering
In this article , the authors proposed to delineate various groundwater potential zones of Dubrajpur Block of Birbhum District, West Bengal, India using Remote Sensing and GIS techniques.
Advances in aerodynamics of power turbines for marine and aviation applications
31 Mar 2023 - Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science
In this article , the authors summarized and analyzed the recent advances in the field of aerodynamics of power turbines for marine and aviation applications, and presented their own insights regarding the current research trends and the prospects for future developments.
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) dengan Teknik Make a Match Terhadap Kemampuan Pemahaman Konsep Matematis Siswa Kelas X
31 Mar 2023 - Juring
Tujuan dari penelitian in this article adalah untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Team-Assisted Individualization (TAI) dengan teknik make a match terhadap kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematis siswa kelas X SMK Plus Tunas Bangsa Kebasen Kabupaten Banyumas, dibuktikan dengan rata-rata N-Gain kelas eksperimen ying lebih tinggi dari rata rata ngain kontrol yaitu 0.60 > 0.26.
COVID-19: Correlation between HRCT findings and clinical prognosis and analysis of parenchymal pattern evolution
31 Mar 2023 - Journal of clinical imaging science
In this paper , the radiological features of SARS-CoV-2 infection in its original form, to correlate the high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) patterns with clinical findings, prognosis and mortality, and to establish the need for treatment and admission to the intensive care unit.
Procedural embolic protection strategies for carotid artery stenting: current status and future prospects
31 Mar 2023 - Expert Review of Medical Devices
In this paper , the authors provide a general overview of current embolic protection strategies for CAROTID artery angioplasty and stent (CAS) procedures and discuss the phases of the procedure and how to reduce the early risk of stroke with novel techniques and devices.
The impact of ambient air pollution on an influenza model with partial immunity and vaccination.
Xinzhu Guan, Kangwei Xu, Qiang Gao, Yongli Cai 
31 Mar 2023 - Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering
Wang et al. as mentioned in this paper investigated the effects of ambient air pollution (AAP) on the spread of influenza in an AAP-dependent dynamic influenza model and found that, in order to control the prevalence of influenza, we must increase vaccination rate, the recovery rate and the depletion rate, and decrease the rate of the vaccine wearing off.
Construct validation of the revised Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Inventory (MARSI-R) and its relation to learning effort and reading achievement
31 Mar 2023 - Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching
In this paper , the authors revisited the validity of the METACognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Inventory (MARSI-R) among Saudi students using a new statistical method of confirmatory composite analysis (CCA).
Pengaruh Labelisasi Halal Dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Minat Beli Kosmetik Wardah Pada Toko Satu Sama Hertasning Makassar
31 Mar 2023 - Nobel Management Review
In this paper , penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh labelisasi halal and kualitas produk secara parsial terhadap minat beli kosmetik wardah pada toko Satu Sama Hertasning Makassar.
Manifestaciones neurológicas en pacientes con diagnóstico de COVID-19
31 Mar 2023 - Revista Virtual de la Sociedad Paraguaya de Medicina Interna
Apariciõn de una nueva variante de coronavirus ha desatado en una pandemia relacionada con un sóndrome de distrés respiratorio severo por SARS-CoV-2 as mentioned in this paper .
Comparison of Diagnostic Accuracy of Presepsin and Procalcitonin for Sepsis in Critically Ill Patients: A Prospective Observational Study
31 Mar 2023 - Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine
Roy et al. as discussed by the authors evaluated the diagnostic value of presepsin, its sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing sepsis in critically ill patients, and its ability to prognosticate the outcome.
Panorama of Medical Diseases in Pregnant and Postpartum Women in Internal Medicine at the University Hospital Center of the Point G
31 Mar 2023 - Journal of strategic innovation and sustainability
In this article , the authors describe the epidemiological and clinical aspects of all medical pathologies associated with pregnancy and postpartum in internal medicine at the University Hospital Center of the Point G in Bamako.
Upaya meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar peserta didik kelas xii melalui penggunaan media flash card pada materi evolusi
31 Mar 2023 - BIOED : Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi
Hasil observasi yang dilakukan pada kelas XII IPA 1 di SMA Negeri 3 Ciamis ditemukan adanya beberapa peserta didik ying mendapat nilai ulangan dibawah KKM ying telah ditetapkan sekolah as mentioned in this paper .
Pelatihan dan pendampingan pengolahan pupuk organik berbahan seresah tanaman sayuran
E Ningsih, Sudiyono Sudiyono 
31 Mar 2023 - Abdimas Galuh
In this article , a data survei di desa Giripurno Kota Batu terdapat beberapa permasalahan, yaitu: (1) Pupuk tidak tersedia pada saat dibutuhkan dan harga cenderung naik, (2) Sisa/seresah pertanian and kotoran ternak ying belum diolah, Tim dari Univ. Widyagama Malang melalui program Kemandirian Kegiatan Masyarakat memberikan solusi untuk memecahkan kelompok tani Mandiri Sejahtera melalili pengolahan pupuk organik berbahan seresah tanaman.
"No Excuses Anymore": Substance Use Screening and Treatment for Justice-involved Youth.
Paula Goldman, Ilana Hull, J. Deanna Wilson 
31 Mar 2023 - Journal of Addiction Medicine
In this paper , the authors present best practices for substance use disorder screening and treatment in the juvenile justice setting, using qualitative interviews with medical and behavioral health providers with experience caring for justice-involved youth.
Supermassive black hole mass in the massive elliptical galaxy M87 from integral-field stellar dynamics using OASIS and MUSE with adaptive optics: assessing systematic uncertainties
Michele Cappellari, Johanna Hartke 
31 Mar 2023
In this paper , the authors exploit the high-resolution integral field spectroscopy to spectrally decompose the central AGN from the stars and derive an accurate inner stellar density profile and find it is flatter than previously assumed.
Tata kelola perlindungan data pribadi di era metaverse (telaah yuridis undang-undang perlindungan data pribadi)
31 Mar 2023 - Masalah-masalah hukum
Penelitian in this article merupakan penelitians hukum normatif dengan menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif.
The Role of NGOs in the Development of Women\'s Entrepreneurship in Jharkhand
D. A. K. Chaudhary, Rinki Kumari 
31 Mar 2023 - International Journal For Science Technology And Engineering
In this article , the authors pinpointed the factors that encourage female entrepreneurship in the state of Jharkhand, factors include push and pull factors, such as illiteracy, lack of infrastructural facilities, inadequate amount of funds, and the perspective of society towards women being an entrepreneur.
Innovation Using Islamic Values as Sustainable Competitive Advantage: Case study on Muslim Clothing MSMEs
31 Mar 2023 - International Journal of Advanced Research in Economics and Finance
In this paper , the authors explored how innovation using the approach of Islamic values was implemented among Muslim clothing MSMEs to gain a sustainable competitive advantage and found that all the MSME in Muslim clothing involved in the study implement fundamental values and Islamic principles in business.
Soil problems in housing development projects: analysis of causes in legal perspective
31 Mar 2023 - Russian Law Journal
In this article , the causes of housing failures in relation to soil problems from a legal perspective, right from the outset of the development until the completion of the housing projects thereof, are discussed.
Spatial Dynamics of the Population of Small Towns in the Siberian Regions
31 Mar 2023 - Известия высших учебных заведений. Северо-Кавказский регион. Естественные науки
In this article , the main results of the dynamics of the population of small towns in the regions of Eastern Siberia for more than 30 years were analyzed. And the authors found that in recent years there has been a decrease in the population in small towns, which leads to the "washout" of some small towns from the settlement system.
اليهود المغاربة والكفاح الوطني فرضيات الحياد والانخراط
31 Mar 2023
In this article , the authors discuss the importance of the role of gender and gender diversity in the development of the Internet and its role in the evolution of the world economy, and propose a framework for gender equality in the Internet.
Psicanálise e judaísmo: ruth a judia por opção
31 Mar 2023 - FIEP Bulletin On-line
A história de Rute (Rute) as discussed by the authors compõe a narrativa de mulher that se casou com um judeu and that as marcas de uma família judaica and sua cultura a Ruth introjetar na sua mente, and boa parte da sua histórias de transformou no conteúdo do seu inconsciente, que iremos explanar neste trabalho psicanalítico e judaico.
Profile of Skin Tumors at Dr. Zainoel Abidin General Hospital Dermatology and Venerology Outpatient Clinic in 2017 – 2021 : A Retrospective Study
31 Mar 2023 - Berkala Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin
In this paper , the authors investigated the incidence of skin tumors in Dr. Zainoel Abidin General Hospital outpatient clinic and found that the majority of women are affected by benign and malignant skin tumors.
Development of Teaching Materials that Enable 3D and Active Pseudo-Observation of Celestial Objects: For the 4th-Grade Science Unit “Moon and Stars”
Takayuki Yamada, Tomoka Tosaki 
31 Mar 2023 - Journal of research in science education
In this article , the authors describe a scenario in which a group of people are living in a house with three roommates, and the house is divided into three levels: bedrooms, bedrooms, and living spaces.
Comparison of success rates of probing surgery in congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction by age range
31 Mar 2023 - Cukurova Medical Journal
The most successful age ranges for probing surgery were found as 0-12 months, 12-18 months, and 18-24 months as mentioned in this paper , with a success rate of 88.9% in younger than 24 months (n=63), and 70% in patients aged 24 months and older (n =50).
Perspektif sapta pesona dalam pengelolaan wisata religi di makam ketaq desa monggas kecamatan kopang kabupaten lombok tengah
31 Mar 2023
Hasil penelitian in this paper menyimpulkan bahwa pengelolaan makam Ketaq masih belum dilaksanakan secara maksimal jika ditinjau dari indikator fungsi-fungsi pengelingolaan terutama terkait pengawasan dari Pemerintah Daerah setempat.
Abstracts of the VII American Rabbit Congress. Varadero, Cuba, 12th-13th October, 2022
31 Mar 2023 - World Rabbit Science
The VII American Rabbit Congress was developed in a hybrid way with specialists, researchers, professors, students, breeders and producers from different latitudes related to rabbit farming and science as discussed by the authors .
4 profile pacjentów, w leczeniu których wybieram famotydynę
31 Mar 2023 - Medycyna Faktów
In this paper , profile pacjentów wskazują na możliwość włączenia do le czenia famotydyny w celu optymalizacji terapii chorób kwasozależnych na podstawie dostępnych danych literaturowych i zaleceń praktycznych.
Assessing the longitudinal effects of the continuation and discontinuation of the school-located influenza vaccination programme on parental vaccine hesitancy in Hong Kong.
31 Mar 2023 - Journal Of Public Health
A two-wave longitudinal study recruited adult parents who had at least one child attending a kindergarten or primary school using random-digital-dialled telephone interviews to examine the impact of changes in schools' SIVP participation status on parents' vaccine-related attitudes, and childhood SIV acceptance over 2-years in Hong Kong as discussed by the authors .
Analyzing Factors Affecting Digital Trade between Korea and China: An Empirical Study
Hao Wang, Chang Hwan Choi 
31 Mar 2023 - Korea Association for International Commerce and Information
In this article , the authors analyzed several independent variables, including export tariffs, intellectual property usage fees, exchange rates, R&D cost ratio, service trade export ratio and ICT service export ratio, and their impact on digital trade exports.
Successful Formulation and Application of Low-Temperature Bacterial Agents for Corn Stover Degradation
31 Mar 2023 - Agronomy
Using corn stover powder, starch, and bran as additives, a sustainable and low-cost bacterial agent formula that ensures bacterial viability in low-temperature soil and storage was developed in this article .
Money and the Regularisation of African Soldiers in the Early Phase of Italian Colonialism in Eritrea
31 Mar 2023 - War and society
In this article , the authors focus on transformations in the military labour regimes brought about by the recruitment of African soldiers during the early years of the Italian colony of Eritrea, by analysing colonial reports, correspondence and official regulations.
Розробка моделі ключових STEM-компетентностей для учасників сучасного освітнього процесу
I. Salanda, Nadiia Babii 
31 Mar 2023
In this paper , the authors present a survey of the state-of-the-art technologies used in the field of STEM and their applications in the development of artificial intelligence applications.
Pemanfaatan layanan digital bank syariah dan fintech sebagai sarana pengembangan umkm
Sufian Noor, Rizky Ramadhani 
31 Mar 2023 - Abdimas Galuh
In this article , pengenalan layanan digital and fintech pada artikel ini dilakukan pada para pelaku UMKM di Desa Sunggingan, Kecamatan Kota, Kabupaten Kudus.
KI und IoT – Treiber der Digitalen Transformation
31 Mar 2023 - ZWF
Robotic Process Automation in Verbindung with Künstlicher Intelligenz is a praxisbewährte Lösung, den systemübergreifenden Datenaustausch der vernetzten Geräte effizient zu organisieren as discussed by the authors .
Atomistic Simulation of Temperature Dependent Magnetic Properties of Hole Doped 2H-VSe₂ Bilayer
31 Mar 2023 - Journal of Magnetics
In this article , the authors investigated the finite temperature dependent magnetic properties of hole doped 2H-VSe₂ bilayer structure using atomistic simulation, and they found that the magnetic anisotropy energy is almost linearly decreased with increasing temperature.
A Bayesian hidden Markov model for assessing the hot hand phenomenon in basketball shooting performance
Gabriel Calvo, Carmen Armero, Luigi Spezia 
31 Mar 2023
In this paper , a Bayesian longitudinal hidden Markov model is presented to analyze the hot hand phenomenon in consecutive basketball shots, each of which can be either missed or made, and the probability of success for each throw is modelled by considering both the corresponding hidden state and the distance to the basket.
Branching capacity of a random walk range
31 Mar 2023
In this article , the branching capacity of a simple random walk in dimension 6 was studied and it was shown that it falls in the same universality class as the volume and the capacity of the range of simple random walks and branching random walks.
Do Green Human Resource Practices Influence Employee Environmental Performance? The Mediating Effect of Proactive Environmental Management Maturity
31 Mar 2023 - Pakistan journal of humanities and social sciences
In this paper , the influence of sustainable practices in human resources on employee environmental performance by exploiting environmental maturity and proactiveness was investigated by utilizing ability-motivation-opportunity theory.
Optimal Sensor Set for Decoding Motor Imagery from EEG
31 Mar 2023 - International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering
In this paper , the authors investigated the tradeoff between accuracy and complexity when decoding motor imagery (MI) from a restricted number of EEG sensors and found that the largest loss in performance for a single individual was a reduction in mean decoding accuracy of 0.18-0.91.

Top papers of 2022

An adaptive boosting charging strategy optimization based on thermoelectric-aging model, surrogates and multi-objective optimization
Shaosen Su, Wei Li, Akhil Garg, Liang Gao 
01 Apr 2022 - Applied Energy
In this paper , an adaptive boosting strategy incorporating the capacity estimation method based on the operation parameters, which is used for the state estimation and the adaptive adjustment of the charging strategy during the charging/discharging cycling process, is presented.
Spillover and risk transmission between the term structure of the US interest rates and Islamic equities
01 Apr 2022 - Pacific-basin Finance Journal
In this paper , the authors examined the spillover between the US yield curve components and return and volatility spillovers of ten Islamic equity sectoral indices, showing that the level factor of the yield curve as well as sectorial equities of Basic Materials, Industrials, Consumer goods and Consumer services are the main transmitter of volatility spillover.
Development of a Novel Anti-Mouse CCR4 Monoclonal Antibody (C4Mab-1) by N-Terminal Peptide Immunization.
01 Apr 2022 - Monoclonal antibodies in immunodiagnosis and immunotherapy
A specific, and sensitive anti-mouse CCR4 mAb, C4Mab-1 (rat IgG1, kappa), was established using N-terminal peptide immunization and could be a valuable tool for elucidating mCCR4-related biological responses.
Efficient fractionation of woody biomass hemicelluloses using cholinium amino acids-based deep eutectic solvents and their aqueous mixtures.
01 Apr 2022 - Bioresource Technology
In this article , the effects of water content in DESs on hemicellulose dissociation and structural features were comprehensively investigated, along with the reusability of DESs for treatment.
Bridging skin, brain, and behavior to understand pleasurable social touch
Leah J. Elias, Ishmail Abdus-Saboor 
01 Apr 2022 - Current Opinion in Neurobiology
In this article , the authors summarize some exciting new findings about social touch in mammals, emphasizing both the peripheral and central nervous systems, with attempts to bridge the gap between external stimulation and internal representations in the brain.
Picosecond laser treated aluminium surface for photothermal seawater desalination
01 Apr 2022 - Desalination
In this paper , a superhydrophilic, anti-gravity wicking, and efficient solar desalination evaporator was developed by means of picosecond laser treatment of the aluminium surface.
Social Networking Service, Patient-Generated Health Data, and Population Health Informatics: National Cross-sectional Study of Patterns and Implications of Leveraging Digital Technologies to Support Mental Health and Well-being
Jiancheng Ye, Zidan Wang, Jiarui Hai 
01 Apr 2022 - Journal of Medical Internet Research
This study illustrates that individuals with mental health issues have inequitable social determinants of health, poor physical health, and poor behavioral health, but are more likely to use social networking platforms and services, share their health information, and actively engage with PGHD.
In-situ monitoring of dynamic behavior of catalyst materials and reaction intermediates in semiconductor catalytic processes
01 Apr 2022 - Journal of Semiconductors
In this paper , a review summarizes the recent progress of in-situ exploring the dynamic behavior of catalyst materials and reaction intermediates, and problems and challenges in in-Situ characterization are proposed, geared toward developing more advanced in situ techniques and monitoring more accurate and realistic reaction processes.
Distinct causal effects of body fat distribution on cardiometabolic traits among children: Findings from the BCAMS study.
01 Apr 2022 - Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases
Zhang et al. as discussed by the authors conducted one sample Mendelian randomization (MR) analysis in 3266 children from Beijing Children and Adolescents Metabolic Syndrome Study to explore and compare the causal relationships of general obesity (measured by body mass index (BMI), adipose obesity (ME), fat mass percentage (FMP), and central obesity (Measured by waist-to-height ratio (WHtR)) with cardiometabolic traits among children.
Colonization of Extended-spectrum β-lactamase producing Enterobacterales and meticillin-resistant S. aureus in the intensive care unit at a tertiary hospital in Tanzania: Implications for Infection control and prevention
01 Apr 2022 - Infection prevention in practice
In this paper , a cross-sectional study conducted at the ICU of a tertiary hospital in Tanzania was conducted to address the burden of multi-drug resistant (MDR) and associated factors at admission to ICU.
Cytomorphologic and immunophenotypical analysis of SMARCA4 (BRG1)-deficient non-small cell lung carcinoma.
01 Apr 2022 - Journal of the American Society of Cytopathology
In this paper , the cytology features of SMARCA4-deficient non-small cell lung carcinomas (NSCLC) have only rarely been reported, and the authors compared cytologically and immunophenotypically.
Comparison between Thermophilic and Mesophilic Membrane-Aerated Biofilm Reactors—A Modeling Study
Duowei Lu, Haowen Bai, Bao-Qiang Liao 
01 Apr 2022 - Membranes
Results from modeling studies indicate that the ThMABR has significant advantages over the conventional mesophilic MABR in terms of improved oxygen and pollutant flux into biofilms and biodegradation rates, and an optimal biofilm thickness exists for maximum oxygen and substrate fluxes into the biofilm.
Role of alkyl groups regulating recombination and mass transport at cobalt electrolyte-dye interface in dye sensitized solar cells
01 Apr 2022 - Solar Energy
In this article , the structure-property correlations of two cobalt redox mediators, [Co(bpy)3]3+/2+ and [Co (tbpy), with variable alkyl functionality (with and without t-butyl substituent), were investigated.
Spatio-temporal patterns and risk factors of foot-and-mouth disease in Malawi between 1957 and 2019.
01 Apr 2022 - Preventive Veterinary Medicine
In this article , a modelling study based on retrospective data was conducted to establish the spatio-temporal distribution and determine the risk factors associated with FMD in Malawi, and a matched case-control study was carried out to investigate risk factors.
Predicting the Risks of Aggressive-Intent Chemotherapy Toxicity in Older Patients With Lymphoma: A Prospective Observational Pilot Study.
01 Apr 2022 - Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma & Leukemia
In this paper , the utility of risk stratification measures and serial functional tests in predicting chemotherapy toxicity and as well the feasibility of conducting these in older adults undergoing chemotherapy for lymphoproliferative disorders was assessed.
Inhibiting the growth of melanoma cells via hTERT gene editing using CRISPR-dCas9-dnmt3a system.
01 Apr 2022 - Gene
In this article , the authors used EF1a-hsaCas9-U6-gRNA as a hybrid vector of sgRNA and Cas9 for the transfection of A-375 melanoma cells.
Eohimalayan metamorphism and subsequent tectonic quiescence explained
01 Apr 2022 - Earth and Planetary Science Letters
The early evolution of the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen remains enigmatic as discussed by the authors , and a wide range of observations can be interpreted to suggest that two distinct Eo-and Neohimalayan episodes of development were separated by a ∼10-15 Myr interval of limited growth, or possible tectonic quiescence, apparently at odds with the continuous continental collision implied by plate-tectonic convergence of India with respect to Asia.
Considerations in Controlling for Urine Concentration for Biomarkers of Kidney Disease Progression After Acute Kidney Injury
01 Apr 2022 - Kidney International Reports
In this paper , the authors used Cox proportional hazards regression to assess the associations and predictions of urine biomarkers with a composite outcome of incident chronic kidney disease (CKD) and CKD progression.
Woven EndoBridge versus stent-assisted coil embolization of cerebral bifurcation aneurysms.
01 Apr 2022 - Journal of Neurosurgery
Use of SAC and WEB demonstrated comparable 6-month complete occlusion rates for bifurcation aneurysms andWEB was also associated with fewer complications and decreased retreatment rates compared with SAC.
MED1 Deficiency in Macrophage Aggravates Isoproterenol Induced Cardiac Fibrosis in Mice.
01 Apr 2022 - American Journal of Pathology
In this article , macrophage-specific MED1 deficiency was found to trigger activation of inflammatory cytokines in macrophages, which in turn may stimulate phenotypic switch of cardiac fibroblasts and accelerate cardiac fibrosis.
Structural analysis of mixed α- and β-amyrin samples
01 Apr 2022 - Royal Society Open Science
In this article , a combination of Raman spectroscopy and density functional theory (DFT) calculations has been used to determine the amount of β-amyrin in a mixed sample.
Resistance properties and adaptation mechanism of cadmium in an enriched strain, Cupriavidus nantongensis X1T.
01 Apr 2022 - Journal of Hazardous Materials
In this paper , the authors investigated the Cadmium (Cd) resistance and adaptation mechanism in Cupriavidus nantongensis X1T and found that the resistance of Cd2+ was caused by the joint action of Czc and Cad systems.
Effects of water-soluble acrylic resin coatings on the pyrolysis behavior of wooden bulky waste
01 Apr 2022 - Fuel Processing Technology
In this article , water-soluble acrylic resin coatings (WSARCs) were applied on wood furniture surfaces to change the diffusion path of volatile and extended the entire devolatilization process.
Difference in rural and urban Medicare prescription pattern for Parkinson’s disease in Hawai‘i
01 Apr 2022 - Clinical parkinsonism & related disorders
In this paper , the authors used National Medicare Provider Utilization and Payment Data: Part D Prescriber Public Use Files from 2013 to 2018 to investigate the access gap for Parkinson's patients in rural areas.
The Utility of Intraoperative Frozen Section Analysis for Ovarian Masses in Children and Adolescents
01 Apr 2022 - Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology
In this paper , the authors describe current practice patterns and diagnostic accuracy of FS pathology for children and adolescents with ovarian masses, and describe the use of FS for preoperative risk stratification of ovarian masses.
Identifikasi risiko rantai pasok udang vanname di ud. mitra tiger jaya
01 Apr 2022 - Jurnal Industri Samudra
In this paper , Mitra Tiger Jaya merupakan salah satu tempat jual beli udang vanname ying berlokasi di Kota Langsa.
Theoretical Analysis of Transient Responses of Amperometric Biosensor Based on the Phenol–Polyphenol Oxidase Model
01 Apr 2022 - International Journal of Electrochemical Science
S. Rajendran et al. as discussed by the authors have presented a paper as discussed by the authors , where they have discussed the role of mathematics and statistics in the development of the AMBER National Centre.
An intersectional perspective on relational-cultural theory: Commentary on Di Bianca and Mahalik (2022).
01 Apr 2022 - American Psychologist
Di Bianca and Mahalik as discussed by the authors provided an intersectional lens by which to view and apply their proposed framework for promoting health masculinities in the context of racism and cultural values.
Effect of Nebulized Dexamethasone versus Nebulized Ketamine on Postoperative Sore Throat after Thyroid Surgeries
01 Apr 2022 - The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine
Nbulized dexamethsone may be considered as a safe alternative to nebulized ketamine for decreasing POST, and there was statistically significant increase of the severity and incidence of sore throat in the control groups immediately postoperatively.
Detection and extraction of digital footprints from the iDrive cloud storage using web browser forensics analysis
01 Apr 2022 - Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
This study increases the knowledge of client forensics using web browser analysis during cloud storage forensic investigation by providing step by step experimental guidelines to extract digital artifacts from Google Chrome and Internet Explorer from Windows 10 personal computer using iDrive cloud storage as a case study.
The genus Asianthrips, an Oriental fungus-feeding phlaeothripine (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae).
Shûji Okajima, Masami Masumoto 
01 Apr 2022 - Zootaxa
The previously monobasic phlaeothripine genus Asianthrips is rediagnosed and revised with the following 17 new species, all presumed to be fungus-feeding, from seven different countries in Southeast Asia.
Demographic patterns of the tropical baitfish Spratelloides delicatulus (Order: Clupeiformes) across the Great Barrier Reef shelf and at multiple latitudes
01 Apr 2022 - Environmental Biology of Fishes
In this article , the authors describe broad scale patterns of clupeiform demographic characteristics of the delicate round herring sprat Spratelloides delicatulus on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR).
Systemic immune‐inflammation index to predict placenta accreta spectrum and its histological subtypes
01 Apr 2022 - Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research
The role of systemic immune‐inflammation index (SII) and other inflammatory parameters in the diagnosis of placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) and its histological subtypes is investigated.
Design of a Single Phase HERIC-SPWM
01 Apr 2022 - Intek : Informasi Teknologi : Jurnal Penelitian
In this article , a single-phase HERIC SPWM inverter is proposed to produce the desired output waveform using a source from the PLN road network which will then be rectified by the rectifier.
The Shendye-Fleming OBA Index for paper and paperboard
01 Apr 2022 - Tappi Journal
In this paper , a new one-dimensional scale was proposed to calculate the effects of optical brightening agents (OBA) on the bluish appearance of paper and paperboard.
Two-phase flow characterization through Recurrence Quantification Analysis of the dominant features of experimental dynamics
A. Pagano, Diego Angeli 
01 Apr 2022 - International Journal of Multiphase Flow
In this article , an approach to the analysis of the experimental void fraction time series detected in air-water upward two-phase flows within a vertical channel is described. But the main novelty of the present study is the adoption of the tools collectively known as Recurrence Quantification Analysis not directly to the experimental time series, as it is increasingly proposed in the analysis for two phase flows, but to their most important principal components.
On the Ineffectiveness of Grubbs-type Iron Olefin Metathesis Catalysts: Role of Spin-state Isomerism and Cyclopropanation
01 Apr 2022 - Inorganica Chimica Acta
In this article , a DFT study on the mechanistic pathways of Fe(II) analogues of the Grubbs first and second generation catalysts has been done on the basis of 16-electron dissociative (16eD) and 18electron associative (18eA) pathways to unravel the reasons behind the ineffectiveness of the catalysts to perform CC bond metathesis.
Meet the Editorial Board Member
01 Apr 2022 - Anti-cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
In this article , the authors proposed a method to solve the problem of "gender discrimination" in the media, which they termed "gender policing" (GSP) and "gender-based discrimination".
Long-Term Efficacy of Intravitreal Anti-VEGF Therapy for Choroidal Neovascularization in a Case of Fundus Flavimaculatus (FFM).
Ioanna Zygoula, L. Hefner, Heinrich Gerding 
01 Apr 2022 - Klinische Monatsblatter Fur Augenheilkunde
In this article , the successful long-term outcome of intravitreal administration of ranibizumab (Lucentis) in a middle-aged male is described, which is a rare complication of fundus flavimaculatus associated with severe vision loss.
Experimental Study of the Magnetic Anisotropy in Electrodeposited Fe Films on Al Substrates: Effect of the Al Porosity and the Preparation Conditions
M. Mebarki, A. Layadi 
01 Apr 2022 - IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
In this paper , the magnetic anisotropy of a series of Fe films prepared by electrodeposition onto porous and nonporous Al substrates and with iron chloride (FeCl <sub>2</sub>) and iron sulfate (FeSO<sub>4</sub> baths was investigated.
Holy Work with Children: Making Meaning Together
01 Apr 2022 - TEACH Journal of Christian Education
Campen as discussed by the authors described the Holy Work with children as the culmination of personal experience and qualitative research by Campen (2021), children's ministry pastor and director of the Discipleship of the Rio Texas Conference of United Methodist Church in San Antonio, Texas.
01 Apr 2022 - 月旦法學教室
In this article , the authors propose a method to solve the problem of the problem: the one-dimensional graph. <jats:p />.> . . . ]]
Effect of intermaxillary tooth-size discrepancy on accuracy of prediction equations for mixed dentition space analysis for Davangere population
01 Apr 2022 - Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry
New regression equation was formulated for Davangere population, in which actual and predicted widths of permanent canines and premolars were found to be almost similar when established from sample with/without Bolton's discrepancy.
Exploring the discourse of enterprise cyber governance in the covid-19 era: a sociosemiotic perspective
Si Chunlei, Liu Yuxin 
01 Apr 2022 - International journal of legal discourse
In this paper , the authors investigate the discourse construction process for cyber governance in the business environment after the breakout of the covid-19 epidemic, with a self-built corpus containing textual discourse resources from nine typical digital technology companies and a reference corpus containing related official publications.
Dubito Ergo Sum. Pathologies that can Mimic Sepsis
01 Apr 2022 - The Journal of Critical Care Medicine
Sciendo as mentioned in this paper provides publishing services and solutions to academic and professional organizations and individual authors, including journals, books, conference proceedings and a variety of other publications, including conference proceedings.
Land Suitability Analysis and Tourism Suitability in Tourist Area of Pantai Panjang Bengkulu City of Indonesia
01 Apr 2022 - Journal of Resources Development and Management
In this article , the authors analyzed land suitability and tourism suitability developed in the Pantai Panjang tourist area using primary data and secondary data, and the results showed that the coastal land that was included in the administrative area of the Ratu Agung and Ratu Samban sub-districts was suitable as a tourist area with the type of tourism in the form of beach recreation.
Fragmented QRS and Exercise Tolerance in Patients with Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction
01 Apr 2022 - The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine
The value of FQRS in cardiology is much higher than what is being understood currently and has already been observed to be closely associated with a greater probability of adverse cardiac consequences and reduced tolerance of exercise in patients with HFpEF.
IDF21-0551 The Lockdown Effect, A1C and Diabetes (LEAD) control audit/study: East London single centre experience
01 Apr 2022 - Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice
In this article , the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in national international implementation of changes to the daily life of individuals, such as lockdown and social distancing, which led to a significant increase in the number of deaths.
Previsão do Consumo Agregado: o papel de índices de confiança do consumidor
01 Apr 2022 - Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo)
In this paper , a técnicas de ponderação bayesiana de modelos como uma estratégia agnóstica for lidar com a inerente incerteza sobre o modelo.

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