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Open AccessJournal ArticleDOI

Rebalancing the Spatial Economy: The Challenge for Regional Theory

Ron Martin
- 10 Aug 2015 - 
- Vol. 3, Iss: 3, pp 235-272
The authors argue that the UK's problem of spatial economic imbalance is in fact a long-standing one, the very persistence of which raises key issues for our theories of regional development and policy, arguing that neither the new spatial economics, with its obsession with agglomeration, nor regional studies, with a plethora of concepts and paradigms but lack of integration and synthesis, offers a particularly convincing basis for devising policies capable of redressing the spatial imbalance in the UK economic landscape.
In response to the crisis of 2008 and deep recession that followed, the UK government assigned key importance to the need to ‘spatially rebalance’ the economy, to reduce its dependence on London and the South East by ‘powering up’ northern cities. This paper argues that the UK's problem of spatial economic imbalance is in fact a long-standing one, the very persistence of which raises key issues for our theories of regional development and policy. It argues that neither the new spatial economics, with its obsession with agglomeration, nor regional studies, with its plethora of concepts and paradigms but lack of integration and synthesis, offers a particularly convincing basis for devising policies capable of redressing the spatial imbalance in the UK's economic landscape.

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Frequently Asked Questions (1)
Q1. What is the author’s work on the Triumph of the South?

 P.  (2007)  The  Triumph  of  the  South:  A  Regional  Economic  History  of  Early   Twentieth  Century  Britain,  Farnham:  Ashgate,  Setterfield,  M  (1997)  Rapid  Growth  and  Relative  Decline,  London:  Macmillan. 

Trending Questions (1)
What new theories of spatial development are being explored in Great Britain?

The paper argues that current spatial economics and regional studies theories lack effectiveness in addressing the spatial economic imbalance in Great Britain, highlighting the need for more comprehensive approaches.